Referring Physicians and Allied Health Professionals
Rockford Orthopedic Appliance is here to serve our area physicians, and we welcome the opportunity to assist you in the treatment of your orthotic and prosthetic patients. Our goal is to deliver services that will help improve the quality of life for your patients. We guarantee a proper fit of all our custom-fit, and custom-fabricated, prosthetic and orthotic devices and footwear so your patients obtain the optimum outcome they deserve.
Available Seven Days a Week
Our team of five board-certified orthotists, prosthetist and pedorthist is on call seven days a week to serve your patients at area hospitals and rehabilitation centers. In addition to our regular business hours, we provide 24-hour on-call services for physicians over the weekends.
In-service Presentation
If you are a physician, or allied health professional, and would like to learn more about our orthotic and prosthetic services, please contact us today for an in-service presentation by one of our qualified practitioners.