Who is Rockford Orthopedic Appliance?
- Locally-owned, independent, private practice serving Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin with quality orthotics, prosthetics and pedorthics services
- Over 50 years in orthotics, prosthetics, pedorthics and durable equipment
- Over 170 years of combined practitioner experience
- Five ABC Board Certified and Illinois Licensed Practitioners:
- Three Certified Orthotists
- One Certified Prosthetist
- One Certified Pedorthist
- Accredited practitioner certified as RESNA Certified Assistive Technology Professional
- Facility accredited by the American Board for Certification (ABC)
- National Commission on Orthotic and Prosthetic Education (NCOPE) Accredited Residency Facility
- Member of the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA)
- Charter member of Illinois Society of Orthotists, Prosthetists & Pedorthists (ISOPP)
- Member of Pedorthic Footwear Association (PFA)
- Members of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (AAOP)
Our Staff
The staff at Rockford Orthopedic Appliance is dedicated to the delivery of expert care for our patients. We invite you to visit our facility, or give us a call, to discuss how we may assist you with your needs.